Thurs121004 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

Don't forget to get yourself down to the gym for 13:00 on Saturday for our Community Open Day. Bring a friend so they can have a taste of CrossFit and what we are about!

Open Gym: Train your weaknesses / Practice skills / Focus on Mobility / Catch up on a missed WOD / Chill out and socialise! 

Coached Skills Focus Group: L-Sit

19:00-20:00 Competition Training

Please note that this is NOT an Open Gym session. This session is geared towards people who are going to, or intend on competing. If you wish to attend, you will be taking part in the class.

1. Skills: Rowing Sprint Starts & Transitions.

2. Clean Ladder: 2 Mins to attempt each weight. If unsucsecful in the remaining time complete AMRAP Dead Lift at the weight on which you failed. 

3. In 6 minute get as far up the ladder as possible:
Ascending Ladder 3, 6, 9, 12.... etc
Snatch 35/25
Ring Dip