Tue 120501 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

1. Warm up

2. Skill practice: ten minutes to work on kipping swing/pull ups or butterfly pull ups

3. Conditioning: 'Kalsu', for time:
60/40 kg thrusters, 100 reps; whilst also completing 5 burpees on the minute, every minute

*At the beginning of every minute perform 5 burpees, for the rest of the minute perform as many thrusters as you can during that minute. At the beginning of the next minute perform 5 burpees and then max rep thrusters and so on until you reach 100 total thrusters. Post the total number of minutes it took to reach 100 thrusters.

4. Recovery

Please have a look here and here for the background and info on part 2 of this workout. This is a SERIOUS man/woman test to do this prescribed! The suggested starting weight for this would be 42.5/30 kg and then scale from there as required. You've got Jon to thank for reminding me of this, Alex to thank for leaving and Rachael to thank for getting me to put it in at RX weights!