hand release push up

Sat 111015 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

1. Warm up

2. Strength training; resting 60 seconds between sets: 
Deadlift: 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

3. For time; 21-15-10-6-3-1 reps of:
Pull up
Hand release push up
Sit up 

4. Recovery: mobility

For those of you lucky enough to not be on Facebook have a look at our 'News & Events' page for details of Rachael's upcoming fight and also next years CrossFit Games programme.

Also please have a look at this link for the video download I have been talking about, definitely worth a watch. While you are there, make sure you have a look through the rest of the CrossFit Journal, $25 a year for an amazing resource.