toes through rings

Thu 120216 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

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1. Warm up

2. "The London Throwdown Workout 1"; 15 minute running clock; five stations, three minutes at each:
(a) 2 min 30 sec to find a max ground to overhead
(30 s transition)
(b) Row, for max distance
(c) As many rounds as possible of:
2 x 16/12 kg kettlebell shoulder to overhead, 7 reps
25/21" box jump, 7 reps
(d) As many rounds as possible of:
25/20 kg sandbag bear complex: power clean, front squat, press to over head, lower to shoulders, back squat press to over head and back to the floor
(e) Toes through rings + ten air squats every time you drop off the rings (score is total number of toes through rings)

You've all got Rachael to thank for this one.

3. Recovery