weighted sit up

Tue 120508 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

1. Warm up

2. Skill practice: three rounds of:
Handstand push up, 5 reps (make it challenging) or negatives
Rest, 2 mins

3. Conditioning: teams of two; alternating one person working, one person carrying the kettlebell &/or walking beside them; cover as much distance as possible in each of the following couplets:
Couplet 1 (5 mins):
16/12 kg kettlebell walking lunge, 10 steps
16/12 kg kettlebell sit up, 10 reps
Couplet 2 (5 mins):
Burpee broad jumps, 10 reps
16/12/kg kettlebell russian twist, 10 reps
Couplet 3 (5 mins):
Bear crawl, 10 hand steps
16/12 kg kettlebell swing, 10 reps
Couplet 4 (5 mins):
Backwards burpee broad jump, 10 reps
16/12 kg kettlebell floor wiper, 10 reps

4. Recovery

Sat 120310 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

1. Warm up

2. Strength training; three rounds of:
Strict muscle up, 5 reps (go as slow as possible)
Ring dip, max reps with perfect form
Rest, 30 s
Strict pull up, max reps with perfect form
Rest, 30 s

3. Conditioning; five rounds for time of:
20/14 lb medball jumping squat, 10 reps
20/14 lb medball weighted situp, 10 reps
Run, 200 m

(Thank you to Front Range CrossFit for the inspiration)

4. Recovery