sandbag shoulder

Sat 111217 - CrossFit Harrogate Christmas WOD

1. Warm up

2. In teams of two, one person working, one person resting: as many total rounds as possible of each 4 min couplet (move immediately between couplets with no additional rest):
Couplet 1
a. Wall climb, 3 reps
b. Box jumps, 10 reps
Couplet 2
a. Sit up, 10 reps
b. 16/12 kg kettlebell swing, 10 reps
Couplet 3
a. Arm rope walk, 3 reps
b. Burpees, 10 reps
Couplet 4
a. Bear crawl, 20 m
b. 20/15 kg plate carry, 40 m
Couplet 5
a. Row, 200 m
b. 20/14lb med ball thruster, 10 reps

(The team score is the total number of rounds completed. Team members don't have to alternate goes, you can break it up as you like as long as both exercises are completed by the same person in each round)

3. Recovery: mince pies and hot drinks (paleo'ish)!

Thu 111013 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

1. Warm up.

2. Strength training;
Hang squat snatch: 3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 reps 

3. Five rounds of:
(a) In 120 seconds:
(1) 100/70 kg prowler push, 20 m out on high handles, 20 m back on low handles
(2) 25/20 kg sandbag shoulders, max reps in remainder of the 120 s (alternate shoulders)
(b) Rest, 60 s

Score is the total number of sandbag shoulders.

4. Recovery: mobilty


Thu 110901 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

1. Warm up

2. Skill training; five rounds of: 
a. Handstand push up variation, 3-5 reps (challenging level of progression, e.g. box, bands, kipping, negatives, strict)
b. Ring back lever, max hold (at appropriate level of progression)

3. As many rounds as possible in 10 mins of:
Sandbag shoulders,  10 reps
Sandbag shoulder walking lunges, 10 reps 

Alternate shoulders on each round 

4. Recovery: mobility