waiter walk

Mon 110829 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

Welcome back everyone. Hopefully you've enjoyed the enforced rest over the last two weeks and are now ready to hit it hard once again...

1. Warm up.

2. Strength training; five rounds of:
a. Pull ups: 5 reps (chose an appropriate level of progression so that five reps are challenging, e.g. bands, strict, negatives, weighted)
Rest, 60 s 
b. Single leg squats: 3 reps each leg (the same applies here, three reps should be challenging)
Rest 60 s 

3. Three rounds for time of:
24/16 kg kettlebell waiter walk, 100 m right arm
GHD sit-ups, 30 reps
24/16 kg kettlebell waiter walk, 100 m left arm
Back extensions, 30 reps
(100 m = 5 lengths of the box)

4. Recovery: mobility 

Part 3 of this workout was posted on the CrossFit mainsite on Thu 14 Jul 2011. Have a look at the comments, videos and scores here and here.