ghd sit ups

Wed 111116 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

1. Warm up

2. Strength training; three rounds of:
a. Ring dip, 10 reps
Rest, 60 s
b. GHD sit up, 10 reps
Rest, 60 s 

3. 21-15-9 reps for time of:
24/16 kg kettlebell snatch, left arm
24/16 kg kettlebell snatch, right arm
Pull up

4. Recovery: mobility

Part 3 of this workout was posted on the CrossFit mainsite on Mon 24 Oct 2011. Have a look at the comments, videos and scores here and here

Fri 111021 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

1. Warm up

2. "Lynne"; five rounds for max reps of:
Body weight bench press
Pull ups

This is not for time, you can rest as long as you like in between movements, note the goal to get as many total reps as you can.

3. Supplementary; five rounds of:
(a) Max distance, standing two footed broad jump, 5 reps
Rest, 20 s 
(b) Kettlebell swing, 10 reps (using the heaviest bell you can handle with perfect form)
Rest, 40 s
(c) GHD sit up, 5-10 reps
Rest, 60 s

4. Recovery: mobility

Part 2 of this workout was posted on the CrossFit mainsite on Tue 20 Sep 2011. Have a look at the comments, videos and scores here and here

Thu 110929 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

1. Warm up

2. Skill training: snatch

3. "Isabel"; for time:
60/42.5 kg snatch, 30 reps

4. Accessory; three rounds, not for time, of:
GHD sit ups, 10 reps
GH raises, 5 reps; or Hip extensions, 10 reps 

5. Recovery: mobility

Part 3 of this workout was posted on the CrossFit mainsite on Fri 19 Aug 2011. Have a look at the comments, videos and scores here and here.

Fri 110916 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

1. Warm up

2. Skill training: max height box jump

3. Reebok CrossFit Games 2011 Event 4; for time:
Muscle ups, 5 reps
110/75 kg deadlift, 10 reps
GHD sit-ups, 15 reps
Run, 50 m
Muscle ups, 5 reps
110/75 kg deadlift, 10 reps
GHD sit-ups, 15 reps
Run, 100 m
Muscle ups, 5 reps
110/75 kg deadlift, 10 reps
GHD sit-ups, 15 reps
Run, 150 m
Muscle ups, 5 reps
110/75 kg deadlift, 10 reps
GHD Sit-ups, 15 reps
Run, 200 m

4. Recovery: mobility

Part 3 of this workout was posted on the CrossFit mainsite on Sun 31 Jul 2011. Have a look at the comments, videos and scores here and here.

Mon 110912 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

1. Warm up.

2. Strength training; three rounds of:
a. Single leg deadlift, 5 reps each leg
Rest, 60 s 
b. GHD sit ups, 10 reps
Rest, 60 s
c. Ring push ups, 15 reps
Rest, 60s 

3. "Death by 10 m sprints": 
1 x 10 m sprint the 1st minute,
2 x 10 m sprints the 2nd minute,
3 x 10 m sprints the 3rd minute,
...and so on until you can't complete the distance for the given minute.

One foot must step just over the line and you must reach down and touch the floor on each end of each sprint. Once you have completed the given number of sprints for that respective minute you can rest the remainder of the minute. Score is the number of minutes completed.