Team workout

Mon 120305 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

1. Warm up

2. Conditioning: team workout; three people per team, only two people working at any one time, workout must be completed in sequence - no overtaking; 21 rounds for time of:
11 ft rope climb, 2 ascents
20/14 lb wallball, 10 reps
24/16 kg kettlebell swing, 15 reps
Double under, 20 reps

3. Recovery

Thu 120202 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

Registration for the CrossFit Games 2012 Open is live! Please have a look here.

1. Warm up

2. Skill practise; ten minutes to work on:
Muscle up

3. Team workout. Two teams, each team with a 20 kg barbell, 2 x squat racks, a prowler and 150 kg (2 x 5, 2 x 10, 2 x 15, 2 x 20, 2 x 25) of bumper plates. 

Move the greatest amount of weight possible in x minutes using: 
Barbell rack walk, 20 m
Prowler push, 20 m

The team rotates through the couplet with only one person working at a time. Team members that are 'resting' may adjust the load on the barbell and prowler and also move bumper plates between them as required, however only load moved by the team member that is 'working' will be counted. The length of time for the workout will be dictated by how many people are in the class.

4. Recovery

Mon 120109 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

1. Warm up

2. Strength training:
Front squat, 2-2-2-2-2-2

3. "Engage flu"; team relay race; each person cycles through a 40 m prowler push whilst 'resting' in the designated hold:
(a) 50/30 kg prowler push, 40 m
Plank hold
(b) 50/30 kg prowler push, 40 m
Bottom of squat hold
(c) 50/30 kg prowler push, 40 m
Leg raise hold
(d) 50/30 kg prowler push, 40 m
Handstand hold
(e) 50/30 kg prowler push, 40 m
Top of pull up hold 

(The team that finishes first is the winner; or you could consider the fact that the faster you push the prowler, the shorter length of time your teammates have to 'rest' in the holds and hopefully they will repay the favour!)

4. Recovery: mobility


Sat 111217 - CrossFit Harrogate Christmas WOD

1. Warm up

2. In teams of two, one person working, one person resting: as many total rounds as possible of each 4 min couplet (move immediately between couplets with no additional rest):
Couplet 1
a. Wall climb, 3 reps
b. Box jumps, 10 reps
Couplet 2
a. Sit up, 10 reps
b. 16/12 kg kettlebell swing, 10 reps
Couplet 3
a. Arm rope walk, 3 reps
b. Burpees, 10 reps
Couplet 4
a. Bear crawl, 20 m
b. 20/15 kg plate carry, 40 m
Couplet 5
a. Row, 200 m
b. 20/14lb med ball thruster, 10 reps

(The team score is the total number of rounds completed. Team members don't have to alternate goes, you can break it up as you like as long as both exercises are completed by the same person in each round)

3. Recovery: mince pies and hot drinks (paleo'ish)!