Wed 120926 - CrossFit Harrogate WOD

The WOD (Work Out of the Day) is designed to humble the worlds best Athletes, while at the same time remaining universally scalable and achievable for newcomers as well. The WOD is different each day which keeps the programming interesting and motivating. The training environment is encouraging and positive, creating a great community of friends and network of support both inside as well as outside of the gym. The CrossFit hands-on approach to fitness allows the individual to progress at their own pace and will undoubtedly increase their over-all fitness, health, endurance, mental strength and confidence. Simply put, CrossFit will change your life!

1. Warm up/skills:

5 sets of:
10 seconds Frog stand

Then, 3 sets of:
5 Pistols (each leg)
5 Supermans 

2. Conditioning:
In Pairs Alternating Rounds, AMRAP 15:
5 Thrusters 50/35
15 Box Jumps 30”/25”

3. Recovery