Group Induction Course 12.1 sold out!

Group Induction Course 12.1 has sold out already! If you want to join CrossFit Harrogate and didn't make it onto this course, please Contact us straight away to express your interest, if we get enough people we will put on another group induction course that starts during the week beginning the 9th January (likely times either Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 0800-0900; or Tuesday and Thursday at 1800-1900 and Saturday at 1000-1100; continuing at those times for 12 classes spread over four weeks).

The induction course is a lot of fun, you'll learn a huge amount, you'll meet some great people and you'll achieve some very impressive results (see the improvements our existing athletes have achieved). Go on, give it a try, we promise you won't regret it. Have a look at the photos below for an idea of what to expect and the Getting started page for details.