UPDATE: Lion's Pride Challenge Teams


Our many apologies but due to a number of cancellations for Saturday, we have had to reshuffle the teams slightly. We are sorry if teams had already begun planning but we needed to ensure the teams were as fair as possible. So here is the revised list.

Team 1

Caroline Emerson

Charlie Hall

Nat Bradley

 Team 2

Ruth Fisher

Chris Pang

Ashleigh Dunn

David Kitchen

 Team 3

Andy Milner

Sin Mei Yau

Andy Tuttel

 Team 4

Mel Milner

Steve Beale

Steve Harris

Tom Irwin

 Team 5

George Simpson

Lisa Radoje

Paul Ellul

Stuart Dunn

Team 6

Carl Aveyard

Christiaan Creaby

Emily Cliff

Simon Gough

 Team 7

Stuart Doran

Greg Cadman

Jill Martin

Kathryn White

 Team 8

Claire Curtis

Jane Denham

Sally Beale

Paul Bilham

 Team 9

Blace Eckols

Lotta Beiling

Rob Edwards

Steve Henderson

Team 10

Annelize Ferriera

Jordan Southern

Meredith Bonta

Scott MacKintosh

 Team 11

Craig Milner

James Richardson

Lamara Taylor

Team 12

Amber Southern

Gareth Cooper

Jude Smith

Pascal Joly


2016 Lion's Pride Challenge Teams

It is finally here! your teams for the 2016 Lion's Pride Challenge!!!! But a brief administrative announcement: We ask that you arrive at 12:30 on 16 January to sign in and pick up your shirt (and pay your entry fee if you haven't already done so!). The event will kick off at 1pm with a welcome, the rules and the standards for the first WOD. Ok, so now that all of that is out of the way, here is what you have been looking for. Best of luck to all of the teams! Everyone has a shot to win this!!!! 

2016 Lion’s Pride Challenge Teams

Team 1

Caroline Emerson

Charlie Hall

Andy Tuttel

Nat Bradley

 Team 2

Alisdair Moore

Chris Pang

Ashleigh Dunn

David Kitchen

 Team 3

Andy Milner

Lucy Moore

Mark Rodman

Ruth Fisher

Team 4

Mel Milner

Steve Beale

Steve Harris

Tom Irwin

Team 5

George Simpson

Lisa Radoje

Paul Ellul

Stuart Dunn

Team 6

Carl Aveyard

Christiaan Creaby

Emily Cliff

Simon Gough

Team 7

Dan Jackson

Greg Cadman

Jill Martin

Kathryn White

Team 8

Claire Curtis

Jane Denham

Sally Beale

Paul Bilham

Team 9

Blace Eckols

Lotta Beiling

Rob Edwards

Steve Henderson

Team 10

Annelize Ferriera

Jordan Southern

Meredith Bonta

Scott MacKintosh

Team 11

Craig Milner

James Richardson

Lamara Taylor

Sin Mei Yau

Team 12

Amber Southern

Gareth Cooper

Jude Smith

Pascal Joly


REMINDER: 3rd Annual Lion's Pride Challenge

16 January 2016

Ok, CrossFit Harrogate!  We hope you are ready for the third annual CrossFit Harrogate Lion’s Pride Challenge!  This competition will be open to members only and will give the winning team bragging rights for the year.  But before you get too far into planning your teams, we want to make sure things are fair, so keep reading to see how it will work. All interested members must sign up by 15 December.  Once we have the list of competitors, the coaches will get together and pick the teams.  Teams will consist of two men and two ladies and will be put together so as to give each team a fighting chance.  Workouts and team selections will be released the week prior to the event and all movements will have a scalable option so that anyone can participate.  The competition will be followed by a get together that may or may not have beer involved (gluten free, of course!).  The cost to enter the competition will be £10 and will entitle you a Lion’s Pride Challenge t-shirt.  Please sign up at the box if you are interested!

3rd Annual Lion's Pride Challenge

16 January 2016

Ok, CrossFit Harrogate!  We hope you are ready for the third annual CrossFit Harrogate Lion’s Pride Challenge!  This competition will be open to members only and will give the winning team bragging rights for the year.  But before you get too far into planning your teams, we want to make sure things are fair, so keep reading to see how it will work. All interested members will sign up by 15 December.  Once we have the list of competitors, the coaches will get together and pick the teams.  Teams will consist of two men and two ladies and will be put together so as to give each team a fighting chance.  Workouts and team selections will be released the week prior to the event and all movements will have a scalable option so that anyone can participate.  The competition will be followed by a get together that may or may not have beer involved (gluten free, of course!).  The cost to enter the competition will be £10 and will entitle you a Lion’s Pride Challenge t-shirt.  Please sign up at the box if you are interested!

November - Monthly Challenge UPDATE 1

After being live for just a few days we've already had 15 people load their bars up and lift some serious kilos!

Our total so far comes to just over 60,000 KGs, keep up the good work and we'll be at 1m in now time!

Give the coaches a heads up when you're doing your deadlifts and we'll get a short video of you so we can create a montage of you guys lifting!

Blue steel look is optional!

Blue steel look is optional!


The Grand Finalé

The Mighty Murph!!

All 4 Athletes will be required for this WOD

For Time:

The team must move 1500kg using a single prowler. For a weight to count towards the 1500kg it must be moved a full 20m. e.g. Athlete 1 pushes 50kg2 lengths of the box, (40m) that will be 100kg. Athletes can choose their individual weight for each push.


30 rounds of 5 pull up, 10 press up and 15 air squats. Any 2 athletes can be working at any one time and the work can be split in any way. There is no minimum number of reps that an athlete needs to complete.


Repeat the 1500 prowler push

Masters athletes over 55 may scale as follows

Add 25% to prowler push weight – e.g if a masters athlete pushes 50kg over 2 lengths of the gym, their weight will be 100kg plus an additional 25% = 125kg contribution

Pull ups – may be banded up to blue band with no penalty

Press ups may be from knees with no penalty

Air squats – allowance can be made around squat depth if an athlete cannot achieve depth.

Equipment required


Bumper plates (may be chosen by the team)

Pull up bar


Movement Standards

Prowler push

No movement standards however the prowler must be moved for a complete 20m for the weight to be counted.

Pull ups

The arms must be fully extended at the bottom of the movement and the chin must be visibly above the upper plane of the bar at the top. Strict, kipping and butterfly are acceptable.

Air Squats

The athlete will squat until hip crease passes below the top of the knee. The athlete must reach full hip and knee extension at the top of the movement.

This WOD will require 2 judges as there can be two athletes working during the non prowler elements of the WOD

The WOD is for time so the judge will capture the final time once all reps have been successfully completed.


Month 5

For time

3 Athletes will be required for this WOD and work can be divided in any way between the athletes with the exception of the 400m run which must be completed by all athletes. Work on the wall balls cannot start until all athletes have completed the run. Work on the STOH cannot start until the last wall ball has completed etc. Only one athlete working at any one time.

400m Run

200 Wall Balls (20/14) (Masters 55+ 16/10)

175 KB Swings (24/16) (Masters 55+ 20/12)

150 STOH (35/25) (Masters 55+ 30/20)

125 Box Jumps (24/21) (Masters 55+ 21/18)

100 Burpee

75 Calorie row

50 GHD sit up (Masters 55+ Ab Mat Sit Ups)

25 Rope Ascents (Masters 55+ Rope Walks)

400m Run


A 60 second penalty will be incurred for:

-       Each reduction in WB weight (e.g. 20 from 20lbs to 16 or from 14 to 12 lbs). If an athlete moves from 20 to 14lbs that would be a double reduction and so a 2 minute reduction would be incurred.

-       Each reduction in KB weight (same principle as the WB above)

-       Each 5kg reduction in weight for the STOH

-       Box jumps – Male – from 24” to 21’ – 1 minute. 24” to 18” – 2 minutes. 24” to 12” – 3 minutes.  Female from 21” to 18” 1 minute, 21” to 12” – 2 minutes and 21” to 9” – 3 minutes

Rope Ascents – 2 x Rope Walks per Rope Ascent – Start from ground lying flat on back and using primarily arms pull to the standing position.

GHD Sit Ups – Ab Mat sit ups can be used at a 1.5:1 ration (i.e.either 50 GHD SU or 75 AB Mat SU


Wall Ball – The ball must hit the correct height marker i.e. Male 10ft and female 9ft and at the bottom of the squat, hip crease must pass below the top of the knee.

KB Swings – At the bottom of the swing the bell must pass between the legs and be clearly visible behind the athlete’s legs. At the top of the swing the arms must be fully straight above the head with the bell being vertical above the hands

STOH – Strict Press, Push Press or a jerk can be used. The bar will start from the shoulder rack position and with the athlete’s feet under the hips and must end up with the athlete’s arms fully extended above the head and the head must come through the arms so that the ears are clearly visible. The next STOH cannot start until the feet have returned to the start position and the bar has returned to the rack position.

Box Jumps – You know the form, two footed jump and landing, stand tall at the top and get down any way you like!

Burpees – My favourite. Simple. Chest has to touch the ground at the bottom and the feet must leave the ground at the top and don’t forget a nice loud clap!.

GHD Sit up – The athlete must touch the toeswith both hands at the top of the movement and must break parallel at the bottom of the move

Rope Ascents – The athlete will start from the ground and must climb the rope until they are able to touch the beam at the top. Jumping to get a start is OKand the athlete must control the decent (not just drop from the top)


There will be one judge required for this WOD

The WOD is for time so the judge will capture the final time once all reps have been successfully completed.

Tough Mudder Charity Run!

Hi, all! Many of you may know Scott Mackintosh as one of our regular morning members. But what you may not know is that he joined CrossFit Harrogate so that he could prepare himself to run the Tough Mudder on August 1st in memory of his Mum and best mate who recently passed away after battling cancer. He is also running in support of the same mate's Dad who continues to battle. If you have a second, please check out the link below to get to know Scott better and to understand what he is doing a little bit more. And if you have a few quid lying around, please take a moment to donate to Yorkshire Cancer Research to support him. Thanks!



Month 4

This month features an old favourite to test your aerobic capability along with a little gymnastic move just to spice things up a bit.

You will need three judges for this one so start planning now.

Good Luck!!!

Team ‘Jackie’

1000m row

50 thrusters (20/15) – Masters Athletes over 55 (15/10)

30 Pull up (Masters Athletes may use up to a blue band with no scaling penalty)

3 athletes are needed

Athletes will work in cannon ie once athlete one completes the row and starts the Thrusters, athlete 2 can start the row etc. until the last athlete completes the last pull up. Only one athlete can be on a discipline at any one time and no overtaking

Score is total time


A 60 second penalty will be incurred for each 5kg reduction in the weight for the thruster

A 60 second penalty will be incurred per scaling that is used to support the pull ups. i.e.

Red band 60secs

Blue band 120 secs

Blue and red bands 180 secs

Green band 240 secs etc.



Row – Each Athlete must remain on the rower until the display reads greater than 1000 meters. The athlete may coast over the required distance, but cannot make an attempt to get off the rower (e.g., unstrapping early or standing up) until they are past the required distance. The athlete may adjust the damper setting and foot positions at any time during the row and team-mates can help with this.  Athletes must keep feet in footstraps when rowing.

Thruster – Each thruster will consist of a full front squat whereby the hip crease must descend to lower than the top of the knee. The Athlete will drive the bar up and finish with a push press where the arms, hips and knees must be fully extended. The bar must be directly overhead with the head pushed through. A full squat clean can be used for the first rep in a set.

Pull-up – the arms must be fully extended at the bottom of the movement and the chin must be visibly above the upper plane of the bar at the top. Strict, kipping and butterfly are acceptable.


Month 3

 This months Spa Town Throwdown is a bit of a blast from the past and a personal favorite!!  It is very, very similar to one of the WODs from the Wolf Pack Dominance Series but we have subbed the OHS with Goblet squat. You will have fun on this one!


In a 12 min window as a team of 4 perform:

Minute 0

Each athlete must perform as many reps as possible of

Goblet Squat 24/16kg

Deadlift 90/60kg

Shoulder To Overhead 45/30kg

Kettlebell Swing 24/16kg


Minute 1

Perform 1 shuttle (5m out and back once = 10m) in the remaining time each athlete must perform as many reps as possible of:

Goblet Squat


Shoulder To Overhead

Kettlebell Swing



Minute 2

Perform 2 shuttle’s (5m out and back 2 times = 20m) in the remaining time each athlete must perform as many reps as possible of :

Goblet Squat


Shoulder To Overhead

Kettlebell Swing

This continues each minute with the distance increasing 10m until the 11th and final minute where the team run 11 shuttles (110m) and then perform as many reps of:

Goblet Squat


Shoulder To Overhead

Kettlebell Swing

The clock stops and the workout finishes on the 12min mark.

General Rules:

-       The teams score is the total number of reps for all movements 1 rep = 1 point

-       There will be a single chosen weight for each movement for ladies and a single chosen weight for men. E.g. there will be one KB for Goblet squats – the weight of which must be agreed ahead of the WOD. 

-       The team cannot start moving until all members have completed all shuttles for the appropriate minute and are passed the marker – reps will not count for any team member that starts before all team members are back.

-        The team can only start the shuttles at the start of each minute.

-        The team may switch movements but only AFTER all members have completed all the shuttles for the appropriate minute and are passed the marker. Once a athlete selects a movement they must stay on that movement for the whole minute.

-        If a team member fails to complete the required number of shuttles and 1 rep of whichever movement they are on before the start on the next minute that team member is eliminated from the workout. The movement they were on at that time is also eliminated from the remainder of the workout.



-        4 Judges will be needed for this workout – the judge should stay on one movement for the whole workout and record successful reps. The judge must not move with the athlete.

-        Where possible, teams should work together and judge each other. i.e. Team leaders agree a time for both of their teams. Team A judges team B and then vice versa.



-        2 men’s bars and 2 ladies bars loaded at the correct weight plus collars (Deadlift and STOH)

-        2 Kettlebells  at the correct weight

-        Tape  / Cones to mark the 5m shuttle.

-        So, on one side of the box will be 2 bars and 2 Kbs - mens weights

-        On the other side of the box facing the men will be the same kit but ladies weights

-       There can only be one person on a discipline at any one time (i.e. you can’t have 2 folk doing KBS for instance)


Movement Standards:

-       Goblet Squat

o   Standard squat rules apply with full extension at the top and hip crease below the top of the knee at the bottom

o   The KB must be supported above waist height throughout the complete rep

-       Deadlift

o   Each Lift must be taken from the floor

o   Full extension of hip and knees must be reached at the top of the lift with the shoulders ending up behind the bar

o   The bar may not be bounced at the bottom of the lift

-       STOH

o   Press, Push Press, Push Jerk or Split Jerk are acceptable

o   The bar will be cleaned from the ground at the beginning

o   The bar will start at the shoulder and must end with arms, hips and knees fully extended at the top with the bar directly above the head and the head pushed through. (If the bar is in front of the head at the top of the movement, this will be a no rep)

o   If an athlete is completing a push or split jerk the feet must return to the jump position before the rep is given.

-       KB Swing

o   The KB swing will be the full American swing that will end with the KB directly overhead in a fully inverted position

o   The KB must pass between the legs and be visible behind the legs at the bottom of the swing

o   Knees, hips and elbows must be fully extended at the top of the swing



-       Goblet squat – Per affected Athlete

o   Each 4kg reduction in weight will lead to a 10 point penalty that will be subtracted from the overall score

-       Deadlift – per affected athlete

o   Each 10kg reduction will lead to a 10 point penalty that will be subtracted from the overall score

-       STOH – per affected athlete

o   Each 5kg reduction in weight will lead to a 10 point penalty that will be subtracted from the overall score

-       KB Swing – Per affected athlete

o   Each 4kg reduction in weight will lead to a 10 point penalty that will be subtracted from the overall score


The wait is over, here is WOD2 - Enjoy

3 Athletes will compete in Spa Town WOD 2

With a continuously running 15 minute clock:

Athlete 1

AMRAP  5 Mins

10 Plate GTOH 20/15kg

10 Box Jump overs 24/21in

5 K2E

Athlete 2

AMRAP  5 Mins

10 Plate GTOH 20/15kg

10 Box Jump Overs 24/21in

5 K2E

Athlete 3

AMRAP  5 Mins

10 Plate GTOH 20/15kg

10 Box Jump overs 24/21in

5 K2E


The score is the total number of points for the whole team.

Each GTOH = 2 Points (one round of 10 reps equals 20 points)

Scaling for GTOH is a reduction by 5kg in plate weight i.e. 15kg Men and 10kg Women

Each scaled GTOH = 1 Point (one round of 10 reps equals 10 points)

Box Jumps overs = 1 Point each (one round of 10 reps = 10 points)

Scaling  for box jump overs is box step overs – this will entail a 3 point deduction for each 10 completed by that athlete (i.e. 10 x Box step over would equal 10 points minus the scaling weighting of 3 points giving a total of 7 points)

K2E = 1 Point each (one round of 5 reps = 5 points

Scaling is High Knees – This will entail a 2 point deduction for each 5 completed (i.e. 5 x K2E would equal 5 points minus the scaling weighting of 2 points giving a total of 3 points)

1 Full Round at RX  is worth 35 Points

Each athlete can choose their own scaling. Once this is selected it must remain the same for the  full 5 mins.

Only one athlete can work at a time.

All athletes will start from the GTOH rather than picking up from where the last athlete finished

Handover from one athlete to the next is a High Five!


RX GTOH The plate is taken from the floor and finishes with hips the knees fully extended with the weight fully locked out overhead. The plate MUST touch the floor at the start of each rep.

RX Box Jump Overs – The athlete must face the box and jump over the box to the other side. The jump must be a two-footed jump. Landing on top of the box is allowed, but not required. Each rep, including the final rep, is complete once the athlete has jumped over the box.

RX K2E – The athlete must go from a full hang to having each knee touch the corresponding elbow. The arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom and the feet must be brought back to behind the bar. The arms can be bent or straight at the top of the movement.




1 x 24IN BOX

1 x 21IN BOX


Good Luck Folks!


Spa Town Throwdown Teams - update!

OK, with some late breaking entrants, I have moved one or two teams around. Check your teams and good luck to each and every team!!!

BTW - Still looking for team names for some of you guys!!!!

M Craig Milner Too Old, Two New
M Gareth Cooper 
F Mel Milner 
F Ashleigh Dunn 

M Steve Beale Demics
M Steve Harris 
F Sally Beale 
F Jane Denham 

M Ryan Tansley 
M Adam Gee 
F Katie Moore 
F Helen Flannery 

M Sam Webb Kipping it Real
M Andy Miles 
F Claire Curtis 
F Annelize Ferreira

M Tom Irwin 
M Simon Midgley 
F Ashley Fitzgerald 
F Milly Hilton

M Michael Davidson Team America!
M Ryan Hipsley 
F Ashley Semadeni 
F Jen Turek 

M Giles Bradley 
M Louis Richardson 
F Natasha Barba-Evans 
F Viv Whitelaw

M Greg Cadman 
M Paul Ellul 
F Alex Whapples 
F Rachael Mc 

M Mark Smith 
M Andy Tutell 
F Kate Ralston 
F Lotta Beiling 

M Steve Henderson 
M David Kitchen 
F Jill Martin
F Caroline Emmerson

M Rob Ward
M Dean Ralston
F Gio Fitzgerald
F Cath Harbrow

M Simon Fitzgerald
F Helen Rees
F Betsy Eckols
F Katherine Wass


So here is the First of 6 WODs that will comprise the Spa Town Throwdown. You have a month to train for, plan and execute this WOD. Judges can be coaches or other (non team Members). Any questions, drop a note to Simon on FB.

A. In a 15 minute window Row 3km For Time: (The time to row the distance will be captured and the remainder of the 15 minutes will be rest time)


All 4 athletes will complete this workout.

The rower will be set at 3K and count down

Teams can break the work up in any way they want.

There is a 15min cap for this workout and each meter not rowed will incur a penalty.


 - Final Athlete must remain on the rower until the display reads zero

 - Athletes may adjust the damper setting and foot positions at any time during the row and team mates can help with this.  

 - Athletes must keep feet in footstraps when rowing.


 B. In a 15 minute Window

Establish a team total 1 RM Hang Squat Clean


All 4 athletes will complete this workout.

  - Each athlete will have as many attempts as they wish to establish their heaviest 1  rep hang squat Clean.

 - The workout will begin with an 2 x empty barbells and a stack of plates.

 - It will be the team’s responsibility to load the bar for each lift and declare the weight to the judge prior to lifting.   

 - The score will be the total of each athletes heaviest 1 rep hang squat Clean.


 - This movement begins with the athlete deadlifting the barbell and stopping at this position prior to cleaning.

 - The athlete may not lower the bar past the knees after deadlifting the weight.

 -  The barbell must be received at the shoulder in a squat position (hip crease must be below top of knee).

 - A power clean followed by a front squat will not be permitted.

 - Only the feet may touch the ground during the lift.


 Any scaling MUST be declared to the judge ahead of the start of the WOD.


There will be no scaling for the row


The weight will be the key scalable element.

In the event that an Athlete has genuine flexibility issues meaning that a full squat is not possible, they can opt to do POWER Cleans. There will be a penalty of 10kg for each Athlete completing Power Cleans.


There will be 2 scores captured for each team – 1 – the time to complete the 3k row and 2. The total number of kilos lifted in the 1RM hang squat clean. Scores must be submitted  by the judge to simon@crossfitharrogate.com before the end of 14th May 2015

Spring Has Sprung

Spring has sprung. 

And it's time to start planning the summer hols. Stuck for ideas on how to get the beach bod nailed?

No problem, sign up for the CrossFit Harrogate induction and learn a whole new way to get fit, feel great and look fantastic.

We have 2 of our 6 session inductions starting in April.

The Morning induction runs for 3 weeks on a Tuesday and Thursday starting a 06:00 (for an hour) with the first session on Tuesday 7th April 2015

The evening induction is 2 weeks long with 3 sessions per week (Monday and Wednesday at 20:30 and a Friday at 19:00) starting on 13th April.

You will learn the CrossFit way to get fit, have fun and make some new friends.

There are no contracts, no hidden charges and no pressure sell. What do you have to lose?

To sign up, just go to www.crossfitharrogate.com and click on the getting started link!


Hi All,  The team and individual entry forms are in the box and you have until the 10th April to get your name down.

We have received a few questions around scaling, when the WODs will take place and who will be judging who.

All WODs can be fully scaled to meet YOUR ability. We will be devising a weighting for each WOD which will result in either time or points penalties depending on the level of scaling. I will post an example over the next couple of days.

We will be programming the WODs on the last 2 Fridays of the period that the WOD has to be completed in. In addition, there is the Sunday morning Open gym session that can be used.

Simple, you can either get one of the coaches to judge you or agree with another team that they judge you. The movement standards will be clear and we trust you lot!!!

So basically, an in house, scaleable, friendly competition with BIG prizes (well, we may throw in a water bottle or two!) that is good for all fitness levels.

Get yourself signed up NOW!!

Spa Town Throw Down

What is is?

With the roaring success of the Lion's Pride and the brilliant take up of the CrossFit Games Open, we are ultra excited to bring you another in house CrossFit competition to keep the fun going.

The Spa Town Throw Down will be a team event with each team comprising 4 people (2 boys and 2 girls). You are free to choose your own teams or just put your name down on the individuals sign up sheet and we will choose a team for you.

The competition will take place over a 6 month period with a new WOD being released each month (on the 15th of the month). Some WODs will need all 4 team members to take part and other may only need 3. Either way, you will have until the 15th of the following month to submit your team score.

The top 4 scores for each team (from the 6) will be considered to work out the winning teams. There will also be recognition for the top team of the month and on the spot recognition for outstanding improvement.

When does it Start and how long does it run for? 

15th April 2015 with one WOD per month for 6 months!

How do I get signed up? 

get you team together (along with a team name) or just add you name to the individuals list and we will get you set up. The sign up sheets will be at the box this week.

Can the WODs be scaled?

Absolutely!!! and you get to choose your scaling so that this competition is completely inclusive!

Other stuff.

To keep this truly inclusive, new members to CFH (or members who choose to join after the fun has started will be able to join part way through although this could affect their overall team position.

The competition is only open to CFH Members ad there is no charge for entry!!!

We will periodically programme the WOD of the month and judging will take place during that programming and in Open gym.

More detail to follow in due course! 

Any questions, give Simon, Kate, Dean or Gio a shout.


Free Taster Sessions this Saturday and Sunday!!!!

New Years Resolution fallen by the wayside. Got bored training alone or not reaching the bikini body targets that you set yourself.

Try something different. Come to the CrossFit Harrogate Free Taster Session and see what we can do for you.

With a constantly varied training programme there's no way you will get bored. In fact you will have fun, meet some great people and get fitter incredibly quickly

To sign up just go to www.crossfitharrogate.com and click on the "Get Started" link

There are no contracts, no hidden charges and no pressure sell. What do you have to lose?

The CrossFit Harrogate Induction - March 9th!!

The induction is your gateway to a whole new way of fitness and wellbeing.

it will start on Monday 9th March and will run for 6 sessions over a 2 week period. (Monday and Wednesday (20:30) and a Friday at 19:00). During this induction you will learn the fundamentals of CrossFit, make new friends, start to feel fitter and stronger and get a great workout.

To sign up click on 'Get Started' in the menu and book your place on the induction course now and meet your fitness goals for 2015!

What's the Games all about?

Firstly check the official games website games.crossfit.com

The games happens each year and is open to anyone, of any ability from any country. It's a CrossFit, fitness competition that takes place over 3 phases.

1. Feb/March - The Open - Open to all

2. May - The Regionals - the lead athletes in each age and gender category progress from the Open to the region. Regions include Europe, Asia Pac, North America etc etc.

3. July - The top athletes from the regionals jet off to California to decide who really is the best of the best.

Check You-tube for videos from previous years to see a bit more about the competition.

If you are not into CrossFit YET but are interesting in starting a journey that could change your life, why not check here to see when the next induction or free taster session starts.

No fitness prerequisites needed, just a willingness to come and give it your best shot!

Any questions, give Simon a call on 07833 588627